I've had lots of struggles upon accepting that I am not meant to hold guns rather I am meant for the kids... There were mornings getting up is the hardest thing to accomplish... to face another day, or should I say to change another day, not for myself, but for others...

Being a teacher has taught me the meaning of unconditional love and giving your full trust, even there seems to be no hope at all... You will lose so much, but at the end of each day, everything will be worth it... Even in small things you give, you just don't know, it could mean so much...

Saturday, March 26, 2011


ACA Elementary School was chosen as one of the beneficiaries of Busog, Lusog, Talino Program of Jollibee Foundation with the help of its Local Implementing Partner, College of the Immaculate Concepcion.
Busog, Lusog, Talino (BLT) is a daily lunch feeding program for the undernourished children from Grades One and Two for 136 days. Parents are encouraged to participate in preparing and serving the food for the kids.
The implementation of the program started July 26, 2010 and ended March 25, 2011. To begin the program, 40 pupils were selected, 33 of them with wasted BMI level and 7 severely wasted BMI level. At the end of the program, 37 recipients attained normal BMI level while 3 of them remained wasted in BMI level.
For the BLT attendance, 93% of attendance was achieved of the 40 recipients for the 136 days feeding program.
For the academic performance, 18 out of the 40 pupils got 80% and above final average grade. 21 of them got 79 – 75% of final grade and 1 of them will remain in grade for the next school year.
For the parents’ involvement, 60% was regularly performing their feeding assignments. The other parents could not make it because of their work.
A lot of children benefited from this program through the cooperation and perseverance of all concerned. 

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